ELSA ETG-192T is an electronic teleprinter dedicated to be used in AFTN (Aeronautical Fixed Telecommunication Network). It was specially designed to meet the ICAO compliant AFTN message format & New Flight Planning, ATS message format. It is easier to operate than the conventional ones, yet competitively priced.
- Comm. Speed: 300-19200 baud.
* Comm. Code: IA 5.
* Comm. Mode: Serial RS-232
* Test message format: 3 standard format QJH RYS, QJH QUICK BROWN FOX, DE RYS.
* Output Devices: VGA Color Monitor, Printer, Hard disk.
* File access: Save, load, print, erase, send, search.
* Message Template: New Format, ATS Messages Template, Free Text.
* Key Features: Graphical User Interface, New Format, ATS Message Template, Message analysis,Automatic heading, ending, Store, Retrieve messages 3 or 4 digits message sequence number, High speed, up to 19200 baud, Test message generator, Incoming Messages List, Outgoing Messages List, Auto insert predefined data.